Friday, May 20, 2011

Small budget = simple meals.

If there is one trend that follows me through food, it's my love of simplicity.  The simplest meals (prior examples: grilled cheese and soup, homemade pizza) are my favorite, and they make up my arsenal of comfort foods.  On bad days I turn to good simple foods, such as a big bowl of sticky white rice mixed with cream of mushroom soup, or beef stew with a big doughy dumpling on top.  I love food, and food loves me back (most times).

The best thing about simple meals is that they tend to be found on the cheap.  Rice is cheap, cans of soup and beans are cheap, you know?  Since I'm a recent college graduate and my work life has yet to really take off, my budget is still beyond tight.  So there are days when I look around my pantry and kitchen and see what I can combine and have together.  One of my favorite standbys are cans of Publix brand Spicy Chili beans, and mixing it with any kind of starch I can find.

I had a few small red potatoes left over (potatoes are cheap, too.  Get a three pound bag for around $3? Done.) so I cut them into small pieces, coated them in a drizzle of olive oil, garlic powder and a sprinkle of chili powder, and baked them until cooked and slightly crispy.  Pouring a can of spicy chili beans, back in the oven until warmed through and seasoned.  Then I ate them.  All.  Tasty is tasty, you know?

Here's to simple meals that fill your stomach when you need it, without emptying your wallet.

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