Thursday, September 22, 2011

I know, I know.

I'm a terrible person.

A blog abandoner.

But... I have good reasons!  They usually involve my 40-hour-work-week, my adventuring off to spend as much time with R. as I can on my two days off, getting injured at work, and eating simply.

I was going to have a post about R.'s birthday cake, but I forgot to take pictures, and a post about cake without pictures isn't a post at all.

Then I was going to post about the Muffins of Greatness I made for him, but... when I woke up in the hotel after the muffins had spent the night there with me (he only got ONE the evening before upon arrival)... they were covered in ants.  Cue R. seeing me completely and utterly enraged for the first time.  It included plunking the container of muffins down on the front desk and saying "I have a PROBLEM." I was so skeezed out by the ants (I mean, I paid more for that stinkin' hotel than I usually would BECAUSE it was clean and nice!) and their presence that I didn't even want the container (a nice plastic cake carrier) back. I told them to keep it, shove it, we were checking out anyway, and they can kiss my future reservations (which there would be plenty of, given I've stayed there 3 times in the past month and a half!) goodbye.  They knocked my rate down for the night, but I'm still skeezed.

I mean, ants. In a hotel.  Ew.

But I'll be posting soon, I promise.  It's fall, so it means it's time for BAKED APPLES.  They deserve the all-caps, I promise.

Eat well!