Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This isn't a full post.

I was supposed to have a job interview today, which I was very excited about, but instead I landed in the Emergency Room.  I had my gallbladder taken out almost two years ago, and there was damage to the Common Bile Duct, and a stent placed.  Now it seems the bile duct is malfunctioning and the stent is nowhere to be found, and it resulted in me having a sudden attack of sever pain this morning.

Honestly, I don't feel like writing about food tonight.  I feel like curling up with ice cream and a good book and ignoring the world, because I'm still hurting, and worrying about my interview tomorrow (the lady was very understanding, and willing to let me interview even though I bailed moments before I was supposed to be there.  With the amount of pain I was in, I would have made more of a fool of myself trying to get through it than I would by canceling).

But I will leave you with a few links, some favorites of mine:

The Hyppo Gourmet Popsicles : Created by Stephen Dimare, a family friend who I grew up with.  His pops are truly amazing and wonderful.  I highly recommend Peanut Butter Pie, Champagne Mango, Riesling Pear, and Strawberry Datil.  They're so creative there!
Tiny Urban Kitchen: Che shares the same struggles that I do - small kitchen, limited cooking space, and the saddening lack of fresh ingredients available to most urbanites.  I love the anecdotes! The restaurant stories are great, and give me loads of ideas of places I'd like to visit.  I've been the bakery mentioned in the most recent post in NYC - I can vouch for the baked goodness!
80 Breakfasts: We've discussed my addiction to breakfast foods before. This should be rather self-explanatory. There are some amazing recipes here that have nothing to do with breakfast, though, and I love the writing style.

I'm going to go back to my book now, and hope that the freak incident today was a one-off... I really want this job, so I can start gathering my ingredients and cooking again.  To share it all with you here, of course (and mail treats to the baked-goods-from-girlfriend-deprived-R. in California, of course).

I think there is some Peppermint Mocha Java Chip Frapp ice cream in the freezer calling my name...

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